Aquaworld, Mobil OFF, Élmény ON
We organized the Mobil OFF, Élmény (experience) ON event 2 times, together with the Aquaworld, in the company of popular YouTubers. The aim was to provide relaxation and entertainment opportunities for the whole family, with the possibilities of Aquaworld’s infrastructure, so making a mass-event without signature-lines, in a close, water-environment.
Target group and target fields:
- Moving
- Family
- Youngsters
- Boys and girls equally
Video Day at Székesfehérvár
We brought the Video day to life together with the council of Székesfehérvár in 2019, where we made the visitors’ day colorful with stage show, talk shows, with gaming, basketball and football-activities.
Target group and target fields:
- Moving
- Family
- Youngsters
- Boys and girls equally