LG gives you wings - TheVR - LG

As the title suggests, LG really gave wings in 2020, at least to its flagship phone, the Wing. The expanse of the universe of slide phones has begun for a while and it can soon compete with Marvel’s, but there is still glory left to saw in the topic.

That’s how LG did, since as Jani from TheVR team Janija demonstrates, such a multitasking device got to the market with it that solves a lot of seemingly small, but actually very irritating problems. Starting with the notifications, interrupting a video, the lack of big and comfy keyboard,for those who find difficult to type and calls disturbing the navigation system, every scenario gets mentioned in the video that makes the review very practiceful.

Though Jani doesn’t stop there, he inspects every feature of the camera, including the pros and cons of both photo and video modes in the beautiful, sunny Debrecen. Thanks to the 3 cameras and the six points image stabilization, there were many of them to look at.

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