I Have No Idea Hungary

How well do I sing? - I Have No Idea Hungary - Samsung

In this fast world, the use of apps and their habits changed, since there are many apps today that can replace or connect to another. Of course, the most popular apps are on everyone’s device, even when we don’t use them regularly.

Ábel shows, what kind of apps does he have on his phone in 2020. There are many apps on the phone that are essential for nowadays’ people. These are the apps that help in learning, to make ourselves improve in time management.

Most of the phones have apps that make entertainment, or shopping easier, because we can handle these tasks with a few clicks. These apps can be called time-thieves, since we can watch them all day long, without noticing it.
For a video creator, there are many apps that can help in making better quality photos and videos to be ready to be edited right after being made. Samsung Galaxy S10+ had a big role in presenting these apps.

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